Tips While in Brazil

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Great news, you have decided to go to Brazil! Here are some essential tips and information you should get into order before heading over:



1. Visa

Like most countries, Brazil requires a Visa from some nations to enter. To apply for a visa, simply visit the Brazilian consulate in your own country. Some nations do not require an entry visa such as, EU nations, Latin American nations and some Asian nations, so speak with the consulate in your country for a definitive answer of whether or not you need a visa, or simply visit the Brazilian Consulate General website. All tourists must carry a passport that is valid for at least the next 6 months to be granted entry, regardless of any visa required.



2. Money

The currency of Brazil is the Brazilian Real. Most banks, travel agencies and authorized hotels will accept USD or Euros to exchange. It is also not difficult to exchange currencies in the country of your residence. For up to date exchange rates, please check online or at your local money exchange or bank.



3. Vaccinations

Depending on what part of Brazil you are visiting, it may be advisable for you to have the proper vaccinations, especially for Yellow Fever. Brazil has a tropical climate after all. Though if you’re sticking to the coastal cities, the likelihood of contracting illness is very slim, comparable to any metropolitan city. If unsure, please consult your family doctor. Some countries will need a certificate of vaccination for entry. If it is required of you, it will come up in your visa application process.



4. Electrical Outlets and Voltage

Brazil has two voltages: 110V in Bahia, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo; 220V in other areas of Brazil. Adapters for plugs can be found in many hotels and stores around airports. Please note the appropriate voltage for your appliances, it should say on the appliance or its respective charger. Using an adapter does not automatically make the voltage correct.



5. Phones and Emergency Numbers

The international dialing code for Brazil is +55. Major cities all have adequate cell phone and 3G/4G coverage. Of course as is to be expected, the more rural areas will have weak to no coverage.

Emergency numbers are as follows:
– Fire 193
– Police 197
– First Aid 192



6. Driving Licenses

You are allowed to drive in Brazil as long as you own a valid foreign driving license and your stay is less than 180 days. If your stay is longer, you must use your foreign license to apply for a permit.



7. Climate

Brazil is a large country, so it has varying climates. The average annual temperature is 28ºC in the North and 20ºC in the South. The coastal cities might be warmer, with Rio reaching the 40s in the summer, and in the mountainous areas it can go below freezing in the winters. The best times to visit Brazil, generally are from April to June and August to October. Check the weather forecasts for the areas you are about to visit for a more accurate forecast. Of course, pack sensibly, you never know if you will need long pants and a jacket!